Review Process

The evaluation process takes place via Internet without seeing any information about the authors that means the abstracts are evaluated by blind review process.

The evaluation categories are such as "Introduction and literature, methodology, significance, appeal, interest, exceptionality, currency of the issue, and overall evaluation."

Each abstract is sent to at least 3 or a maximum of 6 referees who are the members of the scientific committee of the year and announced their names in the web page after the end of each year's evaluation process. 

Referees evaluate each category within a scale from 0 to 10. The abstracts which get a final average of 7 points from 10, get right to be presented in the symposium.

Invited Papers: Co-founders and the organizing committee have the right to invite papers for the symposium. Invited papers, and keynote speeches also will officially be published in the symposium DVD, on the web page of CIM, and it will be shared by dropbox.

Publication: Only the accepted and presented papers, which are in line with the "full paper publication rules",  are published in the CD and the web page of the symposium at the end of the process.